Replacing OPM: Lead Generation Education, the Clear Future

Efficiently generating high-quality leads in the competitive educational landscape demands innovation. The evolution of the education sector spotlights the significance of sourcing inquiries from reputable education marketing companies in the realm of lead generation education. Higher Level Education champions this cause by prioritizing brand integrity, cost efficiency, and performance control, steering clear of traditional OPM […]

Lead Nurturing: Aged Leads Equals Unconverted Gold

Just like digging through a garage sale, where amidst the forgotten vinyl records and 80’s hair bands t-shirts, you find a rare, signed Beatles album, your database of aged unconverted leads is an untapped goldmine; it’s time to put on your metaphorical mining helmet because we’re about to go on a treasure hunt. Lead nurturing should […]

Post-COVID-19 Success in Higher Education

The United States, like many nations, has been grappling with the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. These effects mirror the long-haul symptoms of many post COVID infection cases in the educational sector. Higher education faces challenges akin to the health problems experienced by long-haul patients: persistent, often fluctuating, and sometimes debilitating. At Higher Level […]

Planning for Higher Ed Marketing Budgets in 2024

As higher education institutions look ahead to 2024, the significance and importance of extensive marketing preparation cannot be overstated. Planning for 2024 needs to include a diversified mix of media channels to help each college meet and exceed enrollment goals.  Drawing inspiration from industry leaders, here’s a comprehensive guide to help higher education institutions construct […]

Catching Goldfish: How Ephemeral Content Solves Marketing’s “Fleeting Engagement”

You might have heard the joke about goldfish having a short attention span—like, only a few seconds! It’s been a playful way to talk about our digital-age distractibility. In reality (and in recent studies), goldfish have been found to have a longer attention span. That said, I hope the analogy lands. Educational institutions can stand […]

Micro-Moments in Higher Ed Marketing: Navigating Student Decisions

In the recent landscape of enrollment marketing, prospective students’ decision-making processes are evolving unprecedentedly. Micro-moments have emerged as pivotal touchpoints, while brief are impactful intervals when students turn to their devices for answers. For higher education institutions, these moments present invaluable opportunities to influence choices and drive enrollments. As marketers, we have to embrace and […]

Digital Marketing Trends for Higher Ed 2024 (so far)

Colleges and universities need help attracting and engaging Gen Z. Gen Z is a tech-savvy and socially conscious generation. This generation is challenging to reach the constantly evolving digital marketing trends. As we start projecting for 2024 budgets, institutions must consider adopting innovative digital marketing strategies that resonate with Gen Z’s Higher Ed 2024 preferences […]

Digital Storytelling: Marketing in Higher Education

In higher education, your institution offers more than just an education. It provides an experience, a journey, and a stepping stone to a brighter future. To effectively communicate this to prospective students, digital storytelling should be an integral part of your marketing strategies. Digital marketing creates, communicates, delivers, and exchanges value offerings for customers, clients, […]

The Need for Speed to Lead: Converting Inquiries

In today’s digital age, students’ decisions about where to pursue their higher education are no longer solely based on an institution’s reputation or brand name. One of the significant driving factors in their choice is the swiftness and efficiency with which the institution engages them. This is where speed to lead becomes essential. There is a […]

Embracing Diversity in Education Through Digital

Higher education institutions have an unparalleled chance to entice a varied student body in an era marked by the swift progression of digital technology. Through digital marketing channels, colleges and universities can extend their reach to a broad audience, encouraging inclusivity and nurturing diversity within their learning environment. As a specialist in enrollment marketing services, […]