Digital Storytelling: Marketing in Higher Education

In higher education, your institution offers more than just an education. It provides an experience, a journey, and a stepping stone to a brighter future. To effectively communicate this to prospective students, digital storytelling should be an integral part of your marketing strategies. Digital marketing creates, communicates, delivers, and exchanges value offerings for customers, clients, […]

Faith-Based Marketing for Colleges and Universities

In the vast realm of marketing campaigns, faith-based marketing stands out as a beacon for religious institutions of higher learning. This type of marketing champions academic prowess and deeply intertwines with the spiritual values and missions these institutions cherish. As a stakeholder of a higher education institution or someone responsible for its marketing, understanding how […]

The Need for Speed to Lead: Converting Inquiries

In today’s digital age, students’ decisions about where to pursue their higher education are no longer solely based on an institution’s reputation or brand name. One of the significant driving factors in their choice is the swiftness and efficiency with which the institution engages them. This is where speed to lead becomes essential. There is a […]